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A smart home allows people to optimise home technologies and utilities to improve, enhance, and simplify people's day-to-day lives.

From a smart home control, you can access and control utilities and equipment such as:

  • Interior and exterior lighting
  • Home security
  • Home access
  • Intercoms
  • Audio and visual equipment
  • Windows, blinds and curtains
  • Heating and cooling
  • Pool pumps
  • Irrigation
  • Garage doors and much more

Welcome to Smart Kulathunga Distribution

Kulathunga Smart Distribution play a key role in the Smart Technology, serving as the intermediary technology support provde between the manufacturer and their respective customers.

Because of their longstanding relationships across the industry, partnering with the right distribution can often make or break whether a potential buyer will stock a manufacturer’s product line.


Year of Experiances


Smart Home Implementations


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